AN PHAT FIRE & SECURITYDistributor of fire protection and suppression products from prestigious manufacturers in the market.
Zener BarrierModel MTL7787+ is an intrinsically safe, zone-powered, Zener-diode barrier for use in conventional fire detection systems for protection within hazardous areas. It is certified 'ia' for all zones and 'IIC' for all explosive atmospheres.MTL7787+Hochiki Conventional Fire Alarm1.000đSoldOut
Zener Barrier
Model MTL7787+ is an intrinsically safe, zone-powered, Zener-diode barrier for use in conventional fire detection systems for protection within hazardous areas. It is certified 'ia' for all zones and 'IIC' for all explosive atmospheres.
- Each Zone contains two stages of pulse-tested Zener or forward- connected diodes and an 'infallible' terminating resistor. In the event of an electrical fault in the safe area, the diodes limit the voltage that can reach the hazardous area and the resistor limits the current. - A fuse protects the diodes, and the two stages of voltage limitation ensure continued safety if either stage should fail. No active output-current limiting circuits are employed. - Simple installation onto standard DIN railing - Removable colour-coded terminals for easy connection, accommodate conductors up to 2.5mm2 - Maximum voltage of Zener diode when fuse blows: 28V - Minimum value of terminating resistor: 300 Ω - Maximum short-circuit current: 93mA - Maximum end-to-end resistance: 333Ω - Working Voltage: 26.6V - Maximum Voltage: 27.2V